Trust your training.
Love Your Results.

AI-powered run Training

Better Results in less time with fewer injuries

It's the most personalized 5k, 10k, half-marathon, and marathon training in the sport.
“RunDot’s technology is so far ahead of anything else I’ve seen, and I want the absolute best for my athletes.”

One of the greatest,
“Meb” Keflezighi,

chose rundot

Mebrahtom “Meb” Keflezighi is widely acclaimed as one of the greatest runners of our time. He's the only man in history to win the New York City Marathon, the Boston Marathon, and an Olympic marathon medal. Meb's coaching business leverages RunDot's AI-Powered platform to help his runners achieve their best results.
Learn More about Meb's Partnership with rundot


RunDot's AI transforms your raw training data into actionable data considering your age, gender, environment, genetics, and more


RunDot optimizes your training program using AI to deliver your best results in less time with fewer injuries


RunDot measures and guides your training execution to help you stay on track and do the right training right


Your Environment

Temperature, humidity, and elevation matter. They have significant impact on your training and racing metrics. RunDot's exclusive EnviroNorm® technology accounts for these variables and adjusts your training to ensure your workouts are appropriate for the conditions!
Learn More About RunDot's Optimized Training

Factors in

your genetics

The first step in reaching your genetic potential is knowing what your genetic potential is. Our optional Physiogenomix™ leverages RunDot’s optimization engine to offer unparalleled training optimization based on your genetic profile.
Learn More About RunDot's Optimized Training

rundot Accurately Measures

Training Stress

RunDot's Normalized Training Stress™ (NTS™) is the most accurate method of quantifying the physiological stress from a training session. It considers environment, intensity distribution, intensity levels, intensity durations, and your Training Stress Profile™ (your ability to absorb different types of training stress). No other platform measures stress to this level.
Learn More About RunDot's Optimized Training

We Connect to the major
Training Devices

Connect to these, or other, apps and devices to auto-sync your training.
Other devices are supported within the app.

It's Your Time

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Training Optimization

Using AI

RunDot's AI engine is the core technology that drives its patents-pending performance optimization. Leveraging AI across more than 18 years' of training and race data, we discover insights which generate the most personalized and optimized training in the sport. This approach delivers your best results in less training time.
Learn More About RunDot's Optimized Training